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Discover Which Noodles are Healthiest – A Complete Guide

28 Oct 2023

which noodles are healthiest

If you’re a pasta lover, you might be wondering which noodles are the healthiest options. With so many choices available, it can be challenging to know what to look for. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you make the best choices for your health.

Whether you’re looking for low calorie options, the best noodles for weight loss, or nutritious choices, we’ve got you covered. We’ll also highlight some of the top healthy noodle brands to consider.

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the healthiest noodles depends on your dietary needs and preferences.
  • Low calorie noodles and noodles for weight loss are ideal if you’re watching your calorie intake.
  • Nutritious noodles are a great source of essential nutrients and can be part of a balanced diet.
  • Consider low carb and gluten-free noodles if you have specific dietary needs.
  • Whole grain noodles are a great source of fiber and can contribute to a healthy diet.

Exploring Low Calorie and Weight Loss Noodles

If you’re looking to cut back on calories or lose weight, choosing low calorie noodles could be an excellent option.

When it comes to low calorie noodles, there are several types to consider. Some of the best noodles for weight loss include:

Noodle Type Calories per cup
Shirataki Noodles 0-20
Konjac Noodles 0-10
Soba Noodles 113

Shirataki noodles are a popular choice for those following a low calorie diet. These noodles are made from the root of the konjac plant and contain zero calories. Konjac noodles are another excellent option for those looking to lose weight, with only around 10 calories per cup. Soba noodles are another good choice, with just over 100 calories per cup.

When considering the best noodles for weight loss, it’s essential to take into account the serving size and the preparation method. Adding excess oil or high-fat sauces can increase the calorie content significantly. Opt for simple, low-calorie sauces like tomato sauce or broth-based soups.

By choosing low calorie noodles and preparing them in a healthy way, you can enjoy delicious pasta dishes without the guilt.

Nutritious Noodle Choices for a Balanced Diet

If you’re looking for nutritious noodle choices, there are many options available that can provide essential nutrients and support a healthy diet. Here are some top healthy noodle brands to consider:

Noodle Brand Key Features
Explore Cuisine Organic, gluten-free, high in protein and fiber
Banza Chickpea-based, gluten-free, high in protein and fiber
Lotus Foods Organic, gluten-free, whole grain, sustainable sourcing

When choosing noodles, look for whole grain options that contain more fiber and nutrients than refined noodles. You can also opt for noodles made from legumes like chickpeas or lentils, which are high in protein and fiber.

Another nutritious option is konjac noodles, which are made from the konjac yam and are low in calories and carbohydrates. These noodles are also gluten-free and suitable for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

When preparing your noodles, avoid adding heavy sauces or high-calorie toppings. Instead, try tossing your noodles with fresh vegetables, lean protein, and a light dressing or sauce. This will help you create a balanced and nutritious meal that’s also delicious.

Exploring Low Carb and Gluten-Free Noodles

For those following a low carb or gluten-free diet, finding suitable noodle options can be challenging. Thankfully, there are a variety of low carb and gluten-free noodles available on the market that can help you satisfy your pasta cravings without compromising your dietary requirements.

Low Carb Noodle Varieties

Low carb noodles are a great option for those looking to reduce their carbohydrate intake. Some popular low carb noodle varieties include:

Noodle Type Carbohydrates (per serving)
Shirataki Noodles 1 gram
Konjac Noodles 3 grams
Zucchini Noodles 4 grams

Note: Carbohydrate counts may vary depending on brand and serving size.

Gluten-Free Noodle Options

For those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease, gluten-free noodles are a necessary choice. Some gluten-free noodles to consider include:

  • Quinoa Noodles
  • Brown Rice Noodles
  • Mung Bean Noodles

Note: Always check packaging for “gluten-free” labeling and any potential cross-contamination risks.

Incorporating low carb and gluten-free noodles into your diet doesn’t mean sacrificing taste or variety. Experiment with different noodle types and recipes to find the ones that work best for you and your dietary needs.

Whole Grain Noodle Recommendations for Added Fiber

Whole grain noodles are an excellent source of fiber and can boost your overall nutrition. They are typically made from whole wheat flour, brown rice, quinoa, or other grains that provide more fiber than regular noodles.

Fiber offers numerous health benefits, including improved digestion and regularity, lowered cholesterol levels, and reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes. So, if you’re looking to add more fiber to your diet, consider incorporating whole grain noodles into your meals.

Whole Grain Noodle Types Fiber Content (per 1 cup cooked)
Whole wheat spaghetti 6 grams
Brown rice noodles 3 grams
Quinoa noodles 4-5 grams

If you’re not used to eating whole grain noodles, start by mixing them with regular noodles at first to get used to the texture and taste. You can gradually increase the amount of whole grain noodles in your dish as you adapt.

When cooking whole grain noodles, keep in mind that they may need a little extra time to cook than regular noodles due to their denser texture. Follow the package instructions and taste test to ensure they are fully cooked before serving.

Overall, whole grain noodles are a nutritious and delicious addition to your meals. Give them a try to reap the benefits of added fiber in your diet.

Comparing Noodle Types and Cooking Tips

There are various types of noodles available in the market, each with its unique taste, texture, and nutritional value. In this section, we will compare some of the most popular noodle types and provide useful cooking tips to help you prepare delicious and healthy noodle dishes.

1. Wheat Noodles

Wheat noodles are one of the most commonly used types of noodles. They come in many shapes and sizes, including spaghetti, fettuccine, and linguine. These noodles are made from wheat flour and have a high gluten content, giving them a chewy texture when cooked. Wheat noodles are versatile and pair well with a variety of sauces and ingredients.

When cooking wheat noodles, it’s important to follow the instructions on the package, as cooking times may vary depending on the thickness of the noodles. It’s recommended to cook them in boiling salted water until al dente, which means slightly firm to the bite. Overcooking the noodles can result in a mushy texture and a loss of nutrition.

2. Rice Noodles

Rice noodles are a popular choice in Asian cuisine, particularly in Thai and Vietnamese dishes. These noodles are made from rice flour and water and come in various sizes, from thin vermicelli to wide flat noodles. Rice noodles have a delicate texture and a neutral flavor, making them a great choice for absorbing the flavors of sauces and spices.

When cooking rice noodles, it’s important to not overcook them, as they can quickly become mushy. It’s recommended to soak the noodles in hot water for a few minutes until they are soft and pliable, then briefly stir-fry or boil them before adding them to your dish.

3. Buckwheat Noodles

Buckwheat noodles, also known as soba noodles, are a popular choice in Japanese cuisine. They are made from buckwheat flour and have a nutty flavor and a firm texture. Buckwheat noodles are often served cold with a dipping sauce or in soups and stir-fries.

Buckwheat noodles cook quickly and should be watched carefully to avoid overcooking. It’s recommended to cook them in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, then rinse them under cold water to stop the cooking process.

4. Bean Thread Noodles

Bean thread noodles, also known as cellophane noodles or glass noodles, are a type of translucent noodle made from the starch of mung beans or sweet potatoes. They are commonly used in Chinese and Southeast Asian dishes and have a chewy texture when cooked.

When cooking bean thread noodles, it’s important to not overcook them, as they can quickly become mushy. It’s recommended to soak them in hot water for 5-7 minutes until they are soft and pliable, then briefly stir-fry, boil, or steam them before adding them to your dish.

Cooking Tips

  • To prevent noodles from sticking together, add a tablespoon of oil to the cooking water.
  • After cooking noodles, rinse them with cold water to stop the cooking process and remove excess starch.
  • When adding noodles to a sauce, reserve some of the cooking water to thin out the sauce and help it cling to the noodles.
  • For a healthier alternative to store-bought sauces, try making your own using fresh ingredients like garlic, ginger, and herbs.


In conclusion, making the healthiest noodle choices is about understanding your dietary needs and preferences. By exploring various noodle types, you can find options that fit your lifestyle while still enjoying delicious pasta meals. It’s essential to consider the nutritional value and ingredients of each noodle type before deciding which one to use in your dish.

If you want low calorie options, you can choose from shirataki noodles, spaghetti squash, or zucchini noodles. For weight loss, consider noodles made from beans or lentils, such as edamame or chickpea noodles.

Choose Nutritious Noodle Choices

If you’re looking for nutritious noodle choices, opt for whole grain noodles or those made from quinoa or brown rice. These noodles provide essential nutrients such as fiber, protein, and vitamins.

For those following a low carb or gluten-free diet, explore options such as spaghetti squash, zucchini noodles, or kelp noodles. These alternatives can still provide a satisfying pasta experience while fitting your dietary needs.

If you’re looking to add more fiber to your diet, consider whole grain noodles or those made from black beans or lentils. These noodles can support your digestion and help keep you full for longer periods.

Cooking Tips for Healthier Noodle Dishes

When cooking noodles, opt for healthier methods such as boiling or baking instead of frying. You can also add more vegetables and lean protein to your dishes to increase the nutritional value.

Remember to always read the nutrition labels and ingredient lists carefully before purchasing noodles to ensure you’re making the healthiest choice possible. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy a variety of delicious and healthy noodle dishes that fit your dietary needs.


Can noodles be a part of a healthy diet?

Absolutely! By choosing healthier noodle options, such as low calorie, nutritious, low carb, gluten-free, or fiber-rich varieties, noodles can be a delicious and nutritious addition to a balanced diet.

What are the best noodles for weight loss?

When it comes to weight loss, opting for low calorie noodles is key. Some of the best noodles for weight loss include shirataki noodles, zucchini noodles (zoodles), and whole wheat or whole grain pasta in moderation.

What are some healthy noodle brands to consider?

There are several top healthy noodle brands available in the market today. Some popular options include Explore Cuisine, Banza, Miracle Noodle, and Skinny Pasta. These brands offer a range of nutritious and tasty noodle choices.

Are there any low carb or gluten-free noodle options?

Yes, there are noodles available for those following a low carb or gluten-free diet. Some low carb noodle varieties include spiralized veggies like zucchini, spaghetti squash, or kelp noodles. For gluten-free options, you can try rice noodles, quinoa noodles, or gluten-free pasta made from alternative grains like corn or chickpeas.

What are some whole grain noodle recommendations for added fiber?

Incorporating whole grain noodles into your meals is a great way to increase your fiber intake. Some top recommendations for whole grain noodles include whole wheat pasta, brown rice noodles, or soba noodles made from buckwheat.

How do different noodle types compare in terms of nutrition?

Different noodle types vary in their nutritional profiles. Whole grain noodles generally offer more fiber and nutrients compared to refined grain noodles. Low calorie options like shirataki noodles are great for reducing calorie intake, while zucchini noodles are packed with vitamins and minerals. It’s important to consider your dietary goals and preferences when choosing the right noodle for your meal.

Do you have any cooking tips for noodles?

Absolutely! Here are a few cooking tips for noodles: 1) Cook noodles al dente to retain their texture and prevent overcooking. 2) Rinse noodles under cold water after boiling to stop the cooking process. 3) Toss cooked noodles with a little olive oil to prevent sticking. 4) Experiment with different sauces and seasonings to enhance the flavor of your noodles. 5) Don’t be afraid to try new noodle recipes and explore different culinary traditions.